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Online counseling

No long distances, whether near or far, conveniently from anywhere in the world – psychological counseling ONLINE

My approach is holistic, focused on your resources. We aim at understanding the origin of our behavior by reflecting our thoughts and feelings. We then bring this insight into the here-and-now in order to develop new behavior and coping patterns. We do this by focusing on the life`s opportunities and strengths in the face of challenges. If necessary, I incorporate elements from yoga and other complementary approaches in order to strengthen the holistic aspect of the consultation. In this way, insights and changes can be anchored on a mental, emotional and physical level.


People who are interested in psychological online counseling are usually dealing with one or more of the following issues:

self-criticism and self-sabotage

unhealthy behavior patterns

 (e.g. stress eating, ruminating, workaholism, media consumption, lack of sleep)

stress, overwhelm, burnout

longing to live a meaningful life

fear of failure, fear of the future

relationship problems

Therefore, psychological online counseling is often about foster strength in the following areas:



values and meaning in life

self-esteem, self-confidence

emotional intelligence

joy of life

body intelligence


self-regulation muscle

The foundation of my work are acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and psychosomatic approaches. focus on each of my clients individually. Because every person is unique. As such, we all need different approaches and impulses.

Initial consultation

90 Minuten | 260 CHF inkl. Mwst.


  • Book an appointment 
  • I will send you information material for our first appointment
  • Any questions? Feel free to contact me.


  • Exploring your concern
  • Setting goals
  • Discussing approach and frequency.

Quite often, first solutions come up during the initial meeting. The frequency of the appointment is planed individually. Clients typically start with one session per week. Some switch to 1-2 sessions per month after an initial period. Others maintain the weekly sessions for some time. Exactly which frequency is needed is often shown in the course of the sessions and can be adjusted at any time.

Counseling sessions

50 minutes | 180 CHF – 160 CHF, depending on your packet, prices include taxes.

counseling session

180 CHF

50 minutes 
180 CHF per session

Paket: 5 counseling sessions

850 CHF

5 x 50 minutes
170 CHF per session

Paket: 10 counseling sessions

1.600 CHF

10 x 50 minutes
160 CHF per session

Packages are valid for 6 months. After 6 months, unused sessions expire or can be reactivated with the purchase of a new package.

The orientation and the course of the individual sessions are based on the content of the initial meeting. Clients typically start with one session per week. Some switch to 1-2 sessions per month after an initial period. Others maintain the weekly sessions for some time. Exactly which frequency is needed often becomes apparent in the course of the sessions and can be adjusted at any time. This may adjusted as needed. Everything is flexible and dynamic. As part of the sessions, clients receive materials for transferring any gained insight into everyday life.


Do you treat F-diagnoses?

Please also read the text “Limits of psychological online counseling”. I am a state licensed psychotherapist and psychologist FSP and offer psychological online counseling which does not replace outpatient psychotherapy if indicated. In person psychotherapeutic treatment is absolutely necessary, especially during acute crises and suicidal tendencies. If you have a specific psychiatric diagnosis (F-diagnosis), on-site psychotherapy may be necessary. In Switzerland, it is permitted to carry out psychotherapy online if client exhibits sufficient mental stability. At the same time, not every fear, panic attack, depressive phase justifies a so-called F-diagnosis. Online counseling can be very suitable for these indications in particular.

What about your cancellation policy?

Things happen in everyday life That is understandable. Appointments can therefore be canceled up to 24 hours before the agreed time free of charge. Missed appointments and appointments canceled at short notice will be charged in full.

What do I do when questions arise in between the sessions?

That depends on the scope of the question and my availability. If I am not traveling I will usually answer within 24 hours. Questions that require a more detailed answer are discussed during the individual sessions. It can be helpful to write down your question right away and bring it up during the next session.

How much time do I have to invest in between the sessions?

That is very individual. In general, I recommend that you also deal with your concerns between the individual sessions. In this way, new impulses can grow. It doesn’t take much: keep a feeling or gratitude diary for 3 minutes a day, consciously face a a challenge during the day, go for a 20-minute daily walk.

How long does a counseling period last?

This is also very individual. It is my aim to foster your self-efficacy and self-trust, where you lead a happy and content life independently. How many one-on-one meetings it takes to get there is very different for each person. Sometimes 2-3 conversations can be sufficient and clarifying. It is not uncommon for weekly discussions to be helpful for a certain period of time. In the final phase, we often plan longer intervals between appointments. Some of my clients benefit from sporadic refresher appointments even after the sessions are concluded. We will tailor this to your needs.

What if I need more than 50 minutes for one session?

It is possible to book a double session. Talk to me about details. 


Please note that I offer online psychological counseling. It is important to emphasize that online psychological counseling cannot provide adequate support in all cases. Some problems, especially acute mental crises, require personal and long-term contact. I would therefore like to ask you in these cases, to contact a registered psychotherapist in your area. If you are unsure whether you need counseling or perhaps psychotherapy after all, please feel free to contact me. Together we can examine what is appropriate for your specific situation. In Germany, psychological online counseling does not constitute psychotherapy that is aimed at clear psychiatric diagnoses (F-diagnoses). According to German law, psychotherapy can only take place in personal contact or only online after appropriate diagnostics and indication take place.

Dr. Patricia Vöge Psychologin FSP // Psychotherapeutin
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